Samstag, 2. März 2013

The Aquarium

After the Eureka Tower just 10min walk at the "Southbank center" alonge (river side) is Melbourne's aquarium.

Cost: 35$ for adults. Kids and students always have cheaper prices and they do accept other countries student IDs!

The first and the last area of this visit was the "penguin run&pool".

They looked super cute and even had 2babies in a seperat area. Only glass windows will be in between you and the cute birds but in my oppinion it was too small for so many penguins.

A guy was diving inside the pool in order o clean the bottom floor wile the penguins were free and swimming around him. Some of the penguins wanted to attack him but they aren't really dangerouse so he just pushed the to the side as they didn't really bother him.

The seahorse area was also fascinating, as they have various species as well as the "sea dragon" the most impressive seahorse in my oppinion as it totally looked like some seaweed or a coral. (See image below)

They even had some male pregnent horses there, seahorses are well know that the father will deliver the babies. Nature turned up side down:)

The octopus and shark area was the most impressive one in the aquarium as you get to a huge open room with massive glass-fronts around the room.
I only knew this scene from love-story movies when they meet in an aquarium as it's quite something when you see these giant fish passing by.

The area includes 2 bridges where the tank continues on top and underneath it so you feel like you are in a tube with the ocean around you.
A diving class was recently in the tank, you could book such a tour seperate.

The even offered a range of "free-feeding-performances" at a certain time ever day. Where you can come and watch how the big string-rays will have their lunch.

My last stop after taking the free "circle line"(transforts are descriped at another topic in this blog) back to Flinder street station before taking the train back home to East Malvern was the "Ian Potter" gallery.

This impressive designed architecture offers a fee galleries, a book shop,cafes and restaurants. As in every gallery there are free areas and some current exhibitions you have to pay for!

The actually exhibition I wanted to see about "Aborigines" was currently under contruction so I have to wait until the 16th of March. I'll need this reseach and analysis for my next Austrian project/exhibition work in my home town Graz.

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