Samstag, 16. März 2013

Bondi Beach

Bus 380 goes right from Sydney's city center at Liverpool street on the corner to Elisabeth street directly to the world famouse Bondi beach.

Most of Sydney's street names are related to the London street names as it once did belong to the british colony.

It takes about 20-30min on the bus depending on the traffic and day-time but it will stop right in from of the main beach.

You can check the website: for more informations or journys on all of Sydney's public transports such as train, tram, rail or in my case buses.

As it is weekend it isn't surprising that the beach was full of people which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as you get to know a lot of young people, students or sufers there.

Australians are very open and easy going people who likes to help you with directions and chit-chat even if it's only about the weather. Their english-aussie-accent is very interesting as it reminds me a bit of a mix between the british engl. and the american one.

I met my old uni mate Paul at bondi today. I graduated together with him from the graphic design BA at the London College of Communication 2011.

He move to Sydney as he is on a one year working visa here and found already a design job. I would love to do the same, but unfortunately, as I was weiting about in my VISA article earlier, it's not possible for Austrians to apply for a work&holiday visa in Australia as there is no contract between these two countries what so ever.

Nevertheless I have to interviews o. monday and tuesday coming up at 2different design studios I was contacting previously. I'm looking forward to meet them, talk about my work and my sponsorship options as this is the only way to get a valued working visa here. The only thing what the company needs to prove would be the fact that no Australian citizen could do my job.
We will see...

Anyways, BACK TO THE BEACH!! Back to the sunny side of life as it has around 28C today and rising(!)

I was about to rent out a surf board but the guy who was renting them told me it's not a good idea today as the waves are too big todax and I'm not experienced enough for about 4-5m waves.

I had to agree with him and decided just to chill at the beach and go in the water where it was save.

The lifeguard had a special spot for the swimmer in order to keep track of what everybody is doing and doesn't end up in dangerous situations as the sea was really crazy today. The waves would pull you right in and once the come over you they can push you back about 10m easily.

No wonder I got super tired after 10min of swimming and constantly scending/diveing underneath the massive wave because they came really fast after on another. However, the main danger were the people as there were too many inside and I was worrie that they will kick me when I drive underneath a wave. It's better to swimm a bit ouside if the crowed but not too far as this means you will swimm towards even bigger waves and it really isn't that much fun if one comes down right above you...
I even didn't see one coming after turning up from the first wave. Gsus the water was salty today! It really hurt my throught so I decided to go back sun-bading to my towel.

The beach also has lockers where you have to pay but know your valuables are save.

After 5h on the beach me and Paul decided to have seafood take away dinner and sit right at the beach before taking the bus back to the city.
mmmhmmmm marinated octopus & fries nom nom nom : 14.90$

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