Donnerstag, 21. März 2013

Cirque du soleil

The french circuse is only 7 more days in the city and the theme is about insects, as they have about 3-4 themes in general.

Our show started at 8pm and ended around 11pm with a 30min break in between.
L Popcorn cost 8$ and a cider 7$.

We had one of the standart seats at the very back of the circuse tent for 100$. It becomes more expenisve if you want to sit further in the crowed or around 250$ for the seats at the very front.
However, I had a brilliant view and as the tent isn't too big it wasn't too far away in my oppinion but I don't need glasses either so I would recomment seats closer to the stage if you are short-sighted or good glasses.

The show itself was brilliant, very impressive tricks and acrobatic performances. The costumes were the most colourful ones I've ever seen and I think what these guys show on stage here is much more impressive and stunning than pour elephants, tigers or real animals in generals. I don't agree with this kind of circus anyways as it's way too cruel to animals if you ask me.

Nevertheless, cirque de soleil is incredible fun to watch, the even have 2 fun clown which are including and engaging the audience sometimes as well.

The only thing the stuff is really strict about is if you intending to take pictures. The will see you even if you take it with an iphone as the screen is too light and this is when you get your first warning as pictues aren't allowed at all. -.-

The show itself included additionally to the clowns: balance acts, jugglery, trampolines, freefall performances and weird visual costumes such as the man in a tube outfit where you are not quite sure where his head is , always supported by a phantastic orchestra and "spot-on" tones to the artists movements.

Later on, after the show has finished me and some Australian mates from Future Music Festival went to a rooftop bar/club in central called "Cookies".
It is an open bar without entry to pay and on the 8th floor is a massive rooftop with dancefloor, a DJ and a cocktail bar. Long island icetea: 18$, beer 9$.

A few floors down is a proper dancefloor with the latest house music and some general fun stuff from the 90's and further down is a chill out bar.

At 3pm we went to the buses called "Night rider" in front of flinders street main church where the 980 goes streight to Chadstone shopping center every 30min.perfeQt, why did I not know about this earlier*haha. Well it's always easier with locals, especially when it comes to partying and late-night buses.

Good night!

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