Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Design studios Sydney

Even if I'm only on a holiday visa in Australia I decided to contact & visit a few design studios and see what they are working on, exchange design ideas, get some feedback on my work and see what my options are in terms of applying for a visa once a company is interested in hireing me. Instead it was was so dissapointed when I heard that it is not possible for Austrians to apply for an"work and travel" visa as there is no contract with Australia what so ever as I could totally imagine living here.

I was invited to 2 design studio who wanted to hire me after an interview and seeing my portfolio but the visa situation is going to make this collaboration difficult.

I'm not intending to work in Australia illegaly, this would cost me too much money and if you get caught you are banned from Australia forever, in other word I could never travel to Australia any more. This is too much of a risk!

However, it would be interesting what the consults/embassies are replying to the studio if they would ask for me. Saying, look we would like to have an austrian designer here to work for us. How wiuld this work?

The studio or agency would also have to guarantee that no Australian could do my job, which isn't too difficult in our field as in graphic design it's all about the individual and unique creativity.

We will see soon...

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