Freitag, 15. März 2013

Mainly island

Center qay ferry station has 5 stops which remind me a bit of Hong Kong as they are going to the surrounding areas such as island, the other side of the main land, Darling harbour or Sydney's Tarangs zoo.

My destinatiin for today was Mainly which from platform 2 which took about 20min and my yellow travel card for 45$ a werk cover these expenses.

It is either possible to sit inside or outside on the deck of the ferry which had 2 floors.

Arriving at Mainly there is a big shopping arcade and I even found a small aborigines gallery.

If you want to go to the other side to the main beach it's only one "shopping"street and takes 10min from the ferry place.( See map)

You could tell that it's all about surfing here as this street covered various surf brands such as Rip Curl, Billabong, Roxy,...etc.

The weather wasn't the best today as it was raining once in a while BUT therefore it was even better for the surfers as there where massive waves about 3-4m high.

The beach was closed for swimmers but all the EXPERIENCEE surfers where allowed to be out there.
An absolute phantastic show to watch them how they handle these scarry waves.

Mainly is the perfect place to escape the city for a bit. I decided to go on a walk alonge the coast.

Shelly beach is another well known bay and good for snorkling but today as I said only the surfers ruled the water.

As you walk to the back of Shelly beach a small path starts to go up and yiu can climp the little hill on the very end of the island to get to a viewpoint.

From up there it was even better to watch the surfers who where bot scarred at all of these massive waves. When they swimm out, they always goe underneath if one waves goes towards them.

Board and wet-suits rentals are available on the beach for about 50$ a day.

As the path continued I was walking ob top of the cliffs with a beautiful view over the landscape. All of a sudden when I decided to walk a small hidden path with a view stone platforms something was moving and I took a step back. The was a big "dragon" right in front of me. It must have taken a sunbath here. Beautiful "Leguan" "Eidechse" we would say in german as it was about 1m long with the tail.

Following the path even further you reach old millitary stations. If you look up in the sky or in the side of the paths you will see massive spiders webs and the gigantic spider to it. o.m.g nothing for the faint hearted.

When you come out on that road there was a bus back to Queenscliff, the upper end of the main beach where I walked down back to the ferry.

The ferries are coming every 20-30min and take you right back to circular quay and I recommend to sit on the left side as you can see the opera house once you come in the harbour.

Back at the city center I took the "Mono rail" which goes around the city in a circle. Cost:5$ per entry
And is some kind of futuristic middlevel train. Looks where impressive it it passes by a few meters over your head on a massiv rails/bar/splint.

One of my last stops for today was China town as tge food markets there are delicious and a fun dinner outside on a warm autumn evening.

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