Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

Lorne - Waterfalls

One of Lorne's (fisher village of the Australian coast) natural attractions are the various waterfall-walks in the surrounding areas.

Me and two other people, Joe & Pete (UK) from the backpacker place decided to visit 3 of the falls, as they where close together within 3km walk.

First, we had to drive up right to the south end coast of Lorne by car, which is about 15km outside to a little camper park where the path started to go up the hills into the forest.

The walk up wasn't to hard and very enjoyeble as we started quite early when it's not that hot around 9-10am. The temperature was rising within 30min and after the sun came out, but we were protected from the surrounding trees and the forest shade plus we could always go for a swim in the little river which we were suppose to follow.

This attraction power-walk is absolutely free but make sure you wear good shoes and watch out where u going as there are snakes in this area. (we didn't see any as they probably could hear us coming but they ARE poisening).

The first pond you reach is "Jeff's pool" where people go swimming and kids are sliding down from the stones.

The water has drinking quality;)))

After another 20min of following the path alonge the river and sometimes across, was the first waterfall.

The second is another 20min and much bigger than the first one. Where Koe&Pete who were walking with me, decided to take a swim. The water was very cold as it came directly from the mountains (spring)/hill.

Already amazed by this beauty of the falls and nature in general we decided to walk up a bit more, as 2 people on their way back told us there is another fall to see only 10min walk from where we were.

Another bigger waterfall should wait for us after the next rock were you can even sit underneath the fall and it would massage you!

Over all - This 3h journey was totally worth it! You get a nice work out, get the opportunity to refill you water bottles and when you'r feeling too hot you can swim in the spring water(falls)& ponds.

On the way back we stopped at the main beach in Lorne for an afternoon of fun in the sun by the beach were I tried surfing for the first time with the board of my friend.

Omg this is harder than it seems! Next mission: Do a proper surfe-course ;)

The evenings are still warm and nice to sit outside! Me and the two friendly, fun backpacker guys Joe and Pete decided instead of going to an expensive restaurant (cost for a main dish: around 24$ and 9$for a beer) we went to the nearby "Liquer store" (Super market) and got a lot of food to cook ourself in the hostels kitchen ;) *delicious and fun times guaranteed* see last picture.

After a view glasses of wine I decided to call it a night as I have to move out tmw before 11pm otherwise I have to pay 10$ extra to the hostel.


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