Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

The peak

On my third day of my Hong Kong stop-over to Australia I had Dim Sum for lunch near the station TST ( Tsim sha tsui) on the mainland-side with my friend Catrice, whom i know from my MA study in London.

Dim Sum is a traditional chinese dish comes in round boxes and it's all about these steamed buns served with tea and traditional chinese vegetables called pac joy or joi sum.

In the chinese cultures dishes are always quite small but they are there to share and you order more than one as dim sum for example usually comes in boxes of 3 pieces.

After lunch me and my Austrian friend Andre decided to visit the peak! it's the highest public platform attraction on the island side and you have a great view down to the city by day and night.

The tram up costs about 65HK$ with return but I would recomment a taxi back down as you see more and you don't have to line up for 1or 2 h like we did at the beginning when we took the tram up.

On the peak are various shops, a hotel and restaurants with good western food to good prices.

The view is stunning and one of the most phascinating sights to experience. The very last platform costs another 30HK$ to get up but you can walk around on the roof as long as you want and it is usually not even crowded eventho there were lots of ppl on the bottom of the tram coming up with you!

I recomment to get there a bit later in the afternoon like 4ish pm in order to experience the day view first+take a picture with the professional photographer and print it out downstairs later on, it's a nice gift or memorie and costs only 136HK$ ( see last image).

However, having dinner there and afterwards experiencing the night view is a must(!!) as it is totally different compare to the day one and you've seen one of the most stunning panoramas ever of Hong Kong in 2 different ways.

See the pictures below, I think they speak for themselfes:

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