Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

My big fat Greek wedding

This sunday I attended my first ever wedding !!!! It wasn't a normal wedding, noooooooo... it should be a greek one, which I only know from the funny movie "my big fat greek wedding".

First there is the ceremony in the church, which is quiet similar to the one we have in the evangelical & catholic ceremony: The bride will be guided from her father to the front where the groom is waiting and the prist marries the couple.

Everything was in greek and in the end there is no kiss only 2 crowns which are connected with a litte ribbon & they had do dance around a table. Well, my discription isn't very detailed but it was so hot and crowded in this little church that I knew exactly that I wouldn't want to marry in a church EVER!!

If I marry one day, it better be somewhere extra ordinary^^ such as the beach or in a forest where there are lots of decoration hanging around an it would be more like a festival rather than a conservative wedding. One church would be the exception: In Las Vegas!!! haha*

However, the fun part of the Greek wedding was the "reception"or"dinner afterwards in the evening.

Gudrun told me that both of the couples parents usually saving up their whole life only for this evening.
Cost: 30-40.000$

The brides parents usually have to pay a bit more but in this case it was equal.

There where over 100 of guests including friends and family of both sides.

The dinner consisted of a 3 course meal where you can choose between 2dishes and in the end we all got a piece of the gorgeouse wedding cake!
See images below!

The beginning was the "cut of the cake" by the married couple followed by their first dance, a few speaches and a lot of singing and dancing in circles to traditional greek music from a band. Fun for everyone!

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