Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

Shopping in the Kong

Day 4 - Stop-over in Hong Kong

The area around Mong Kok (station) and Jordan in HK is one of the most well known shopping areas for the cheapest clothes. Causeway Bay is a good shopping area as well but you won't find products to these cheap prices as here on the markets.

The "ladies market" is miles long and you find there all theses pop up stalls where you can buy electric devices, fashion, handbags, suveniers, fake brands,...etc.

Nevertheless, not as many as in China as it's forbidden to sell fake brands in HK. In China it's allowed.

So if you'r looking for a Rolex watch or a Gucci bag HK isn't the best place to be, more Bejing with his "fake market" tower.

However, in between these shopping miles there is the "Goldfish street" where the whole street on both sides are all about pet shops and plastic bags filled with various (alice) fish species hanging in clutters waiting for ppl to buy them for their aquariums/fish tanks. It is kind of sad to see all these animals being sold like hanging fruit or some other market pieces.

On the way to Jordan area the open food restaurants have a lot of deliciouse seafood varieties to offer for the cheapes prices.
From Lopster to snales over octopus and scallops you will find everything fresh and still moving before it's going to be cooked!

There is hardly any space inside to sit so you will need to find a seat on the round tables outside the restaurant. (see pictures) Worth trying but not a guarantee for the most hygienic sector.

In the end, we decided to go in a proper Japanese restaurant and had hot-pot plus an octopus and some sushi. Cost for 2ppl: 225HK$ nice&cheap!

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