Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

The blue mountains tour

7.30am at YHL Central station hostel was the time &meeting point for our day trip to the famouse blue mountains.

The tour costs 99$ and includes the bus transfer, a stop over at a wildlife park including picture opportunitis with koalas and kangaroos, lunch, the blue mountain walks and a boat tour back to the harbour with view at the skyline, the bridge and the opera house.

I have to say that the bus ride was quite long around 2h I guess but the driver was a very good tour guide and talked to us about Australien facts nearly the whole way up.

At our first stop, a zoo, we had the fun task to collect animal stamps in an "animal passport" which you can find at different stations inside the zoo. (see image)

One of the highlights and my favourite moment was the picture opportunity with the cute koalas!!! the are adoreble<3

The zoo stuff put them on small tree imitationsnwith lot of eukalyptos to eat while people can stand net to it and take a picture while touching his back!

I think I was stuck there for 1h as I couldn't get enough of them.

The next "stop" was the kangaroo area. Similar to the Melbourne zoo it is possible to be in one "cage" with these animals.

As long as you respect them, avoide fast movement and don't step on their tails everything is fine.

We got little cones such as you know from ice cream filled with special kangaroo food which we could offer them and they would eat it right out of our hands! Good picture opportunity ;)

The wildlife park also has chrocodiles, dingos, emus, 100 of tropical birds, wombads, the tasmanian devil and looots of wallabies( even white ones).

Our next stop was a golf course restaurant before the actual stop where we had a lunch buffet with chicken, fish, vegetables, noodles, salat and dessert pudding. Tasty!

Around half 2pm we reached out final destination and had the chance to walk up and down on the viewing platforms and see the 3 rocks named "3 sisters" from the distance.

If you look at the map it was even possible to take a small walk down to one of the sisters and even further. See images below.

After 4min of walking around this area we had to go back to our bus in order to get to the 2md stop of the blue miuntain station.

Some people booked the cable cart which goes between two platforms where you can see a waterfall from the distance and if you'r not afraid of heights.

I met a few interestin people from england, hollan, germany an japan. We were all in the same bus but in different hostels which was nice as i only knew my room-mates so far. They are also really nice and very international. One of them is english, one from the Fijis and another one is swidish.

Back the blue mountains we had various walks to complete in order to find all the platforms, huge and small waterfalls around the area. The natural panorama was breath-taking by the way!
We even found a little bet hanging on the side of our walk through the mountains. It was tiny and small er than my hand.

A 10min walk into the forest was good exercise plus me and my group found a massiv waterfall which turned into a little river.Beautiful!

The last point on our tour was the 2h river cruise back to Darling harbour and the Main quay harbour of Sydney!
We even passed the residential-coast area before Sydney including massive mentions, private beaches and boats at their personal bays.

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