Dienstag, 19. März 2013

Maroubra Beach

One of my last summer days here in Sydney had to be on one of the beaches (again)  as it has still 23 degrees outside and rising.

A lot of sunshine made me hop on the bus 297 leaving from Museum Station as well as Coogee& Bondi do, down south to Maroubra Beach.

It is not as famouse as Bondi but it is well know within the surfe-scene and around the same beach-size as Bondi.

From Maroubra it is possible to do a coastal walk to Coogee, from there you get to Bronte and after that is Bondi up North. This takes about 4-5h walking distance, if you would do all of the beaches but as I've seen most of them already I decided to go back at Coogee by bus after spending the rest of the day on the beach.

Right in the middle of Maroubra beach you will find a odd square rock sculpture painted like a rubric's cube.
I was thinking: what if one day(or night) somebody would come and actually finish the colour game like you would do with a real rubric's cube? I mean as in painting all sides the same colour like you would find a way to bring all colours on one side.
Never mind ;P...

While you'r walking on the coast you will see a lot of huge residential houses on the edges of the cliffs, very expenisve but very peaceful area I have to say.

The stone textures where fascinating and there were even a few originally "talfoni"water structure made during 100 and 100 of years when the sea was still there where we walk and build houses on.

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