Dienstag, 12. März 2013

Sydney - Day 1

It is only 1h flight from Melbourne to Sydney airport and if you fly with tiger airline and book a flight, say 2-3 weeks in advance you can get a return flight(to Sydney and back) from 99AUS$ only!

I decided not to take a handluggage as they let you have 2 handluggages (a small trolly and a rucksack) with a total weight of 10kg in total. Paggage costs extra.

However, once you arrive in Sydney there is no passport control as it is a domestic flight.

Everything is very clear written and directions to the buses and trains are everywhere. A single train ticket costs 15.90$

The train map is very easy and clear to understand with a few sight-icons and the red stars (see orange map image below) telling you where the hotels are and the blue ones where the backpager/hostels are.

Mine was on the map indeed: Star nr 11 > Railway square YHA
... so I had to get off the train st Central Station.

The train had 2floors, upper and lower and it only took about 10min to get there.
Really fast!

Once I came out of the station I only had to follow the sighn which said railway square exit nr 7 and as I came out I already saw the sighn to the hostel. Wow that was quick and easy.

Everything in total from Melbourne to the hostel took only about 2h max!!! pretty quick!

Next to the hostel is a 24h small supermarket/liquer where I could buy shampoo and shower gel as I couldn't bring any liquids with me in my handluggage.

On the reception everybody is super friendly and happy to help you or give you information about (day)trips, directions,...etc.

I booked this hostel online with my Visa card and they guy imediately told me I payed too much as I could have signed up as a memeber, this was I could save up ro 10% on the stay and sightseeing trips. He upgraded me and let me fill out the membership form and because I payed the full amount he gave me the WIFI for 7days for free (see cost on the image below).

I got a fresh towel and bedsheets. The reception looks very nice and friendly with a lot of space where people can play games, hang out or relax.

Everybody recommended me a 99$ day travel tour to "the blue mountains" where a zoo with koalas and kangaroos is included from 7am-6pm. Plus a package of 2sights get one free which would be the Taroonga zoo, the aquarium and the highest city tower.

Sounds good to me but I have to check first when and what time the studio boss would like to meet me as I applied for a job or more an interview at a design studio. We will c how this goes as I made a chapter already about my Visa problems and that you can't apply for a "work&holiday"visa as an Austrian (there is no contract yet with Austria&Australia>joke) all the other countries such as germany, france, england, italy,..etc can:(((
Sooooo I would need a "sponsoreship" which is usually too expensive for a company.... but we will see. Maybe I'm luck!

However, back to the reception: I got breakfast vouchers for a week and on thursday is ment to be a traditional Australian BBQ night where everybody is invited and you could try kangaroo for the first time!

The rooms are very funny designed! Like real railway waggons (see images below)

I'm together with 3 orher girls and we seem to be complete with me now, but nobody was there, I guess everybody is sightseeing too.

At 2.30pm
my sightseeing should begin!
I decided zo go to the railway station first in order to get a yellow weekly travel pass for bus, trains, ferries and overgrounds. Cost: 45$

However, I figured out that I'm actually right next to china town(see city map below) so I decided for today to walk down to the harbour.
It only takes about 20min walk and you pass a lot of shops on the way there.

At the harbour you get the full view of the opera from the side(!!) fantastic. The area is called "Circula Quay" and I decided to visit the opera straight away.

On my way there I passed the main harbour farry stations, a few restaurans and cafes and a lot of harbour bars alonge the water. You can sit outside right next to the water and enjoy the great view of the opera house! Lovely!

Once I reached the opera I was amazed by the size of it and surprised by the material it was build. I mean the roof texture it is layed out with tiles (mit Fliesen belegt) -see image below.

You can walk all the way around the opera and there are tours every day which takes about 1h. cost:35$
I decided to do this another day as I wanted to take one of the ferries to see where they take you.

6pm and still super warm and sunny. About 33-35 degrees.
The customer service is very nice at the ferry station. The recommened pier 5 as this ferry makes a circle and comes back, so you can stay on it and it goes right underneath the massive bridge, which is opposit the opera house, to Darling harbour and comes back.

You don't have to book an expensive ferry trip at the sightseeing stand. Just use the yellow weekly travel pass and see the opera from the distance, go under the brige to Luna park on the other side and darling harbour.

See amazing flats and houses alonge the other side of the coast with little boats at the front of the bay.

I was overwhelmed by the cruise tour and the beauty of both harbour sides!
Once you go underneath the bridge you see the skyscrapers on one side and beautiful residential areas on the other.

Once the ferry reached the last stop you can stay on it as it will go the same way back. I found out that it would have been closer to my hostel if I would have got off at the first Darling harbour stop*haha* but I had no orientation yet.

The ferry ride reminded me a little bit of the cruise me and my family did in winter 2010 in New York apart from the fact it was a bit longer and colder there ;P

Australiens are very open and friendly, easy going people. They start talking to you randomly about the weather or where you come from and it looks like they love chit chat:) I like it. This way it's not akwad to talk to a local and you can ask them question such as where are the best bars or restaurants. It's always nice to hear something like that from an "insider" who lived here the past few years and knows where to go. :)

In the evening I found a running sushi restaurant right in the center. 5 dishes around 30$.

Now enjoy the beautiful pictures from this day!

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