Freitag, 12. April 2013

Sharks & Kangaroos

This morning me and Anna went to the supermarket and bought some Kangaroo meat as I was always curious how it tasts. There are various types of kangaroo meat in the Coles supermarket, such as Saussages, steak or on sticks, marinated or without.

At around 7am our main beach, just 10min walk from the YHA Halse Lodge, was closed as a massive "bull shark" was chased up the beach by two bigger shark, stranded and died.

Lots of people were standing around the huge dead body and even a film crew was there from the local news. Sadly it was too late for the shark to be rescuded and the life-guard had to bring it away.

The news link:

A life-guard told me that a view years ago, when the main beach front was still residential area, a young boy got attaced by a shark and got chased up the beach as well. One of the owners of the front beach houses got a gun at home, came out and shot the shark. Sadly the boy died afterwards in hospital because he lost too much blood :(

This was quite an exciting start for the day, but the interesting fact was that the Australians live with these conditions so after the beach was re-opened a view minutes after the shark was removed everything when back to normal and people when swimming and surfing like nothing happened and there are no more sharks out there. Wow

We decided to "brows" a bit through the Village on the main street called Hasting street with all its small surfshops such as Roxy, Rip Curl, Billabong (the biggest names) and various retail and suveniour shops.

The evenings are pretty hectical and a lot is going on, on a friday night.
There are a lot of locals from Noosa and arou d coming to the Halse Loge as everybody can eat here, is welcome and the atmosphere is super chilled and fun. Muisc is played out loud and you can get cheap (alcoholic)drinks at the hostel-bar. Buying acoholic drinks is forbidden.

The kitchen is extremely packed between 6-8pm which seems to be "happy hour".
Cooking the Kangaroo wasn't too difficult as I decided to go for the marinated meat which obly needed to be cooked 15min in a pan and some olive oil. I was about to add a tai-honey sauce but I have to say the meat itseal is so tasty, sweet and declicious that you don't really need a sauce to be honest.

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