Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

Fraser Island - Day 2

The night in our amazing apartment was very relaxing and quiet. I shared the ground floor flat with 2other girls from my tour but had my own badroom and bathroom. Luxury compare to the hostel where you share bathroom and toilets.

This accomodation usually costs around 230-250$ per night.(!!!) I guess befor all rooms are completely emty during off-season it's better to have at least some people here, which pay less, than non.

At around 6am in the morning you can watch the stunning sun-set at the beach which takes about 20min until the lights turn from red, purple over orange to white light.

Before we started our day at 7.30am we had breakfast which was provided by our booked tour and in our price included. We had Müsli, Cerials, breat with butter and jam, oranges, apples and coffee or tea.

Our first stop with our massive tour bus was the "rainforest-walk" which was about 1,5km long and a nice little path through the woods. Go exercise at 8.30am in the morning.

Australian's natural forest on fraser Island has a lot of palm trees and up to 3m thick forest-trees. See images for yourself.

Our German tour-guide was waiting already at the end of our little walk and after a quick coffee break at the transformable "backside-bar" of our bus we continued our tour to Lake McKenzie.

We had about 2h time to relax on the lake-side and go swimming before lunch. Our tour guide named Henning told us that during summer main season there can be up to 2000 people at the lake which could cause lots of problems for the water WERTE in terms of using sun-cream and chemicals so the park rangers have to close it so the lake can naturally recover itself.

However, now the water is super clean and clear in general.

Cold Fajitas with meat, salat, cheese, vegetables,...etc. very fresh and healthy food provided by the tour and in our price included.

The fun fact about this lunch place was that a lot of Australian's national birds the Kookaburra are constantly watching you and as they are very intelligent and have amazing eye- sight so they will definetely spot all left over food on the tables from miles away. If you are not careful enough it might be that the Kukabarrow sometimes all of a sudden flys down from a tree and catches whatever food you have out of your hands. Cheeky bird!

One girl sat down on the wooden outdoor benches and got bitten by a red-back spider. It's not a very toxic one and you wouldn't die from it but you will get ill for quite a wile.

The redback spider (Latrodectus hasseltii) is a dangerous spider endemic to Australia. It is a member of the genus Latrodectus, the widow spiders, which are found throughout the world. The female is easily recognisable by her black body with a prominent red stripe on the upper side (i.e. the back) of her abdomen. Females have a body length of about a centimetre, while the male is smaller, being only 3 to 4 mm long. The redback spider is one of few arachnids which usually display sexual cannibalism while mating.

Redbacks are one of the most dangerous species of spiders in Australia. Its neurotoxic venom is toxic to humans, with bites causing severe pain, often for over 24 hours. An antivenom is commercially available, and since its introduction in 1956, no deaths directly due to redback bites have been formally recorded.

Scarry thought and even more scarry if you are not sure by what spider you got bitten;/

Australia is home for one of the most dangerious and toxic creatures. Our tour-guide told us AFTERWARDS that the most toxic spider lives in the rainforest of fraser island:

The Australian Funnel-web spider:
 Atracinae, commonly known as Australian funnel-web spiders, is a subfamily of spiders in the funnel-web spider family Hexathelidae. Atracinae consists of three genera: AtraxHadronyche, and Illawarra. The subfamily includes species with medically significant venom, the most well-known of which is the Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus). The bite ofAtrax robustus is potentially deadly, but there have been no fatalities since the introduction of modern first aid techniques and antivenom.

Thank god he didn't tell us before, as I wouldn't want to in there any more.

One more stop on our tour was Rainbow beach. We took the long way back on Fraser's famouse "beach-highway" were a group of backpackers has their lunch by the beach, already surround by 2 dingos. They were both very calm but came quite close to the humans as they could smell their food. You are not allowed to feed wild-life:

The find for feeding them is about 2000$. Again, never feed wildlife as you are going to change their habits, behaviour and you are not doing them any good by doing that.

Hennig told us about a 7year old boy who went into the bush by himself away from the campside where he imediately was surrounded by a pack of dingos.
The boy didn't survive. After this insident most of the dingos got killed by the park-rangers and there aren't much left now.

In conclusion I have to say that Fraser island is a very tropical, peaceful island. No a lot of jobs but good for camping or fishing. I would recomment this tour to everybody so far as you get good value for your money and don't really need any extra money in these 2days and one night. All drinks and food provided.

The company I booked this trip was called "Discovery group/ Fraser" you can even find them on fb.

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