Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

Noosa Heads

From Melbourne to the sunshine coast of Queensland is it an only 2h flight and you will dicsover a total different landscape and clima as it is very tropical around this area and a lot of Australians go there as well as their summer holiday place.

After arriving at the airport I booked a "Henry's shuttle bus" which brought me, for 25$ one way, right to the dorstep of my final destination in the village of Noosa Heads.

As I meantioned in my previous chapter I made a reservation in the YHA Halse Loge hostel for about 32$ a night as a member. However after arriving there I dicovered that there isn't any breakfast included but I got 2towels for free and I met my 5 room-mates:
A guy from Germany, 2girls from Switzerland and another girl from Germany who were really nice and all around my age (22-25).

The YHA hostel have an age limit of around 30-35 this is why you will find only young backpacker who doesn't have a lot of money and don't stay for very long.

One of the girls at the reception offered me a job here on the hostel as they are sometimes looking for people with good language skills in english and prefered another european language and as there were a lot of swiss and germans I would have been a perfect candidat and it would not have been a problem with the visa as they don't pay me any money. Accomodation and food would have been free and my tasks would have been either cleaning the kitchen ever evening or at the bar or in the kitchen as a cook.

Min. Stay 3weeks either from 7.40am -12noon or from 12-5pm so only half day. However, I might consider "hostel-working"for next year or maybe when it's getting colder like autum or winter in Europe, I'll come here for the summer season.
Another option would be you find various half time farm work online in australia and as it's some kind of volunteering so after 3month of working you can saty 12months without working in the country. Worth considering this option.

Usually the YHA hostel are very clean, for example the railway square one in Sydney was super new. However, Halse Lodge in Noosa is a much older bungalo building and as it's more tropical here you will have more insects such as moscitos and cockroaches as the doors and windows aren't that thought threw built.

Anyways, on the bright side you will find a lot of Balconies and terasses around the building plus they have open air BBQ nights.

Internet is much more expensive than in Sydney:
For 24h it's 10$ in Noosa
In Sydney it was 15$ for 1 week
so you will get a pin& password to log on. ( see image below)

If you intend to stay longer in the Halse Loge you will find a laundry room and a shared kitchen. It is always cheaper to buy your own food at the supermarket and cook yourself plus it's more FUN and you get to know a lot of other people and you can cook breakfast/lunch/ dinner together.

This was exactly what I did after moving in my stuff in my 5bed-share room. Anna, the girl from Germany/Köln was super nice and as she just moved in as well we decided to go to the next supermarket together.

I have to say, it's quite far up & down a hill, about 10-15min walk but good exercise and we decided to get food for 2dinners, 1 lunch and breakfast for 41$ devided by 2. Fear price.

Breakfast in the hostel would be between 4-6$ and you will get 1h internet for free. However, can choose between various breakfast such as fruit with yoghurt, english or international breakfast.

Dinner is between 6- 18$ which is half price cheaper than in the village where you can end up paying around 50$ for 1 person. I recon a normal dinner is between 25-40$ with a drink for a 1 course meal as the restaurant are quite fancy, open air italien-holiday-village style but you will find from romantic life bands to aborignal cultural life music.

Back in the hostel I decided to book 2 tours which were on discount.
One was to Fraser Island tour: 2days 1night and food included for 315$ instead if 369$
The second tour was a BBQ boat tour in the Everglades, one day for 89$ instead of 99$. Both of these tours can be booked at the hostel reception.

Dinner tonight was Faijtas with meat, pepper, sweet corn, salat with baby tomatos and sweet wine. Cheers ;)

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