Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

The Sunshine coast

Anna and I made pancakes for breakfast today, which was delicious and fun to make together.

After that we decided to rent push-bike just down the road from our hostel for 19$ for 2h and 25$ for one day IF you bring it back before 5pm when they close. You can even rent motor-bikes for 35$ per day but we decided to take the bikes as it's not as dangerious for "right-hand-drivers" and you can stop more often and drive along the coast on a shared footpath.

They have various bike-maps at this shop and the service is very good and the Australians (in general) very nice and helpful.

Driving along the coast you will find a lot of boat/jetsky/kanu-tours which are not quite cheap, find the images and price list below.
You will also see a lot of beach houses with private beaches and a lot of boats attaced to it.

After our tour around the various coast we went down to the Main Noosa beach which is only 10min walk from our hostel. Beautiful and super clean. On a small forest path you can reach the very end of this beach as its quite a long coast.

Lunch was the rest of our Fajitas yesterday.
Further on, I decided to take a direct bus from Noosa, right in frontvof our hostel, for 4,50$ one way to the famouse Sunshine beach.

The weather wasn't quite good that day as it slowly starts to turn winter BUT I got to talk to a very nice coastguard guy at the beach who told me a lot about the sea conditions and the fact that they have a lot of shark problems and attacs. One recent one was at Main beach a view years ago where the shark was chasing a kid up the beach and a guy shot the shark there.

In the evening Noosa Village turns into a colourful, peachful and romantic chill-out village. It reminds me a bit of the vibre in Italy because the main meal of the day is dinner and people love to sit outside and enjoy their 3cours meals with candles and lots of wine. Brilliant.
I even managed to find a small Running-Sushi restaurant, but way to expensive. (See image below)

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