Samstag, 13. April 2013

Eumondi market &SURFING

What can you do on a saturday morning when it is raining in Noosa?

The answer is taking the 630 bus from Noosa Heads for 6$ and you are reaching the area of Eumondi in about 30min.

The market itself was more so,e kind of Hippie influenced town where you can find all sorts of fresh food, plants, massages, handmade clothes and accessorize. You can buy from furniture kids toys all sorts of designs and ideas. There is no real theme or limits to this market. The atmosphere is very relaxed and fun as they have live music from bands to didgeridoo performances.

Anna, Nadine (a girl from our Hostel, from Switzerland) and I even made our own Australian memory neckless with little symbols which remind us of our journies and travels.

They wven sell Kangaroo balls and frog-wallets. (no joke- find image below)
The market finishes at around 2-2.30pm and ad it was still raining the girls and I decided to hire a surfboard and go proper "wave-riding".

This was the best idea on a rainy day as long as there is no lighning or real thunder storm coming up, but the it was super warm about 25 degrees and the water was around 24 degrees as well. Rain doesn't bother suefers, omce you're out there in the ocean trying to catch a wave you will be completely focused when the next wave is coming anyways and forget about everything around you.

Cost: 20$ for 2 hours including wetsuit.
10$ for a boogie-board.

The waves very pretty good and not too high. A lot of families where out there with their young kids to learn surfing.
I guess it's like in Austria with skiing and snowboardi g as you would learn it from the age of 3 onwards in order to get better and better every season. Easy!

The kids out there on their boad where fantastic, they looked super professional and their parents where super proud once they manage to stand up on a wave.

Standing is a very tricky task when you start leaning to surfe. I thought this sport is similar to snowboarding but instead of having your feat attaches to the board, they are lose and your board needs to be waxed as mich as possible to have the right grip. Balance is the next step, you can't stand too much at the front once a wave comes as you would "nose-dive" right into the water.

When you start snowboarding, at least the ground is not moving underneath you and you have enought time and go very slow at the beginning. With anwave it's exactly the opposit. You either take it or leave! Everything happens super fast in a few seconds and there are no such things as "slow" waves obviously ;)

The reason why surfers are having such great bodies is the fact that surfing demands a full body work out. Your arms need to be stromg so you can paddle out for hours every time a wave takes you back in to the beach. This can be 20times or more in 1h, depending on your condition and sometimes surfers need to hold their breath over 2-3min if they fall off their board and streight into the wave as water is super powerful at this stage and can pull you all the way down.

The life-guards on the beach will always warn you wi their whistles as their is one area markt by flags for swimmers only and if you as surfer come too close you will be told to move. This can be quite painful if you getna surfboard on your head or in your face.

Omg this is a hell of a sport, but super fun, good work-out and time will fly by super quick once you'r out there.


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