Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

National Park & Everglades

There are three different walks through the park open to the public and free of charge.

I decided to do the coast-walk as you always have a great view alonge the beaches.
This walk takes about 3h and you will end up at North Sunshine beach.

There are suppose to be a view wild Koalas along this route but as it was raining yesterday nobody expected to see them as they like to hide up in and in between the trees. You wouldn't necessarily find them on the ground anyways as they climp very high and sleep in between the bushes.

Did u know that you can't eat koala meat as they only eat the toxic eucalyptus leafs and the reason why they always sleep is because they get "high" from these toxic leafs and their bodies need to deal with the poison.

However, along the "Coastal walk" you will find Alexandria beach where a lot of nudests like to camp, hang out or spend their day in the sun and the water. It's nice to take of the walking shoes for a moment and walk along the beach.

"Happiness is when you walk along a beach and come so far up so the waves touch your toes."

Walking a bit further up on a hill into a coastal forest you will find hidden paths which lead you right to the cliffs but you need to be careful as there are no barrers what so ever but warning signs.
!!!!Be careful and don't walk to close to the edge of the cliffs.

It really depends on you how fast you walk or stop to take pictures but in general it's about 2-3h until you reach Sunshine Beach.

The first time you see the full length of thw beach is when you look down from the hill. Beautiful!

As it is a sunday afternoon you will find paragliders and people playing with their kids and dogs on the beach.

I decided to take the bus from Sunshine beach back to Noosa heads as it would have been another 2-3h back and I still wanted to do the Everglade tour:

Cost: 89$ for the BBQ afternoon tour which you can book at the YHA hostel-reception.

There is a bus-pick up station down the hill from the hostel and they will bring you back in the evening to the same point.

Our tour today starting from 8.30am was really lucky with the weather but it wouldn't have been possible even in the rain as the cruise boat has a roaf so you are save inside from all the snakes, crocodiles>reptiles wildlife and insects swimming around you.

The landscape is very unique and very similar to the American everglades Amazon. We've even seen a few crocodiles the afternoon and a guy trying to catch a snake. this was way to scary for me and I was happy to watch it from a save distance.

It looks like the crocodiles are used to humans visiting in their boats but we were not allowed to hold our hands outside or to stop for too long. Thankfully the boat had a good height from the water so you have the feeling of being save as well.

Around lunch time we had the BBQ on our little boat not even stopping somewhere, continuing our cruise. The tour leader John told us lots of stories from the Everglades. What horrible things happened with tourists who wanted to take a swim here and didn't make it, to building project that failed in the end as the whole area is nature protected and home to many creatures.

If you feel like kayaking here, always stay in the middle of the river and don't go to close to the sides as most of the times crocodiles like to lie there in the sun.

The Everglades tour:

Back in the Halse Lodge hostel for dinner. Today: Steak for 18$!yummy

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