Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

The middlevel escalators

On the second day I first decided to visit Sheun Wan, the very last stop on the island line. Where I made a traditional chinese seal stap carved into a stone with my name in traditional chinese. The colour of the stone is up to you and the icon animal on the top should be usually your chinese star sign, which isn't like ours about months. It's about the year you are born in. Me: 1987=rabbit!
Cost:150HK$ includes the red ink and a small box in red ir green.
Time: abou 1-2days

Recommended as very personal present for friends and family. ( see first picture underneath)

Later on I met a friend from my hometown in Graz who was visiting his relatives here. We decided to go central and duscover the middlevel escalator which go from the very bottom to the top of the island hill as this part of the city is build quite high up.

The fun bit here is the fact you get up pretty fast without walking or doing a lot. The escalators are inbetween the housed but higher than the streets and an interestin viewpoint you usually never experience or only inside houses.

Fun city discovering attraction!

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