Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Voodoo Tattoo

27th of April

I decided to get a permanent memory of my Australia experience and all the fun I had durning my travels in general!

This is why I went to Melbourne/St. Kilda's famous tattoo studio called Voodoo Tattoo to get an idea about the costs.

I decided on a COMPASS design as it stands for my travel spirit and it goes on the backside of my left arm.

As soon as I went in the studio the people/artists there were really nice and excited about my idea. They even had time and I got an appointment straight away to do it. A friendly French artist from Paris quickly redrew some parts of the compass vector graphic & typography so it looked good.


I was only waiting for 20min and during this time a very pretty girl called Alexandra from Berlin came in the studio as she wanted to get a tatt too. We started to talk in english with each other until we finally realized we both speak german*haha*
She mentioned as well that she wanted it as a memory and because she intends to have her whole arm covered one day.
As her tattoo is going to be much bigger than mine she booked an appointment next week saturday. Alex's tattoo idea & design was a hot-air-balloon were the top is a globe and at the bottom is a small luggage hanging from it. BEAUTIFUL!

During we were talking we realized that we "clicked" straight away and she seemed to be a really fun outgoing person. Alex even waited for me until I was done, as my tattoo only took 30min and I really enjoyed it as I like the pain.... a lot!!!:)

Alex and I decided to go for a drink afterwards so we bought a bottle of white wine and set down at St. Kilda beach. We talked for hours and even watched the sun go down as we had looooots of stories from our travels. It's always nice to meet other people who made similar experience to yours and have exciting new stories to tell.

In the evening we went to a small restaurant called "Lentil as Nothing"where they had very good curry and you only had to pay as much as you feel. In other words you could eat and you don't even have to pay for it! We decided to give 10$ each for 2 dishes.

Brilliant day! Got a new tatt and won a new friend!<3

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