Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Muttis Austrian Restaurant

The restaurant "Muttis" base in 18 Elgin St  Carlton VIC 3053,
(Phone:+61 3 9349 5008) 
is well know in Melbourne as it is one of a kind offering various Austrian and German dishes...

I went their with Gudrun& Stelios, the couple I'm staying with during my time in Aussie. We went there for my "good-bye dinner" as I'm leaving Australia in a few days, going first to Hong Kong and then back to Austria with a short stop-over in London.

However, when we arrived at the restaurant it wasn't as "Austrian" as I would have expected it. Something more Kitsch and traditional with lots of wood, Austrian music, Lederhosrn and Dirdl style. Instead it was either very simple decorated with modern interior design. Only a few framed, Austrian landscape pictures on the wall from Salzburg back in the days.

It was a shame that the food menu was ONLY in english (!) no german available :( and the staff doesn't speak any german either...

I took a couple of pictures from the menu so you can have a look for yourself down there.
One of the surprises was that they offer special Austrian "pumpking-seed-oil" (Kürbiskern-öl) which iis only availeble in a special regen in the Styria part of Austria.

Only the "pancake-soup"(Frittatensuppe) was missing, apart from that they had looots of Austrian and German wine, Austrian desserts such as Apfelstudel and Kaiserschmarrn, but still quite a few traditional dishes missing and a lot average dishes, which I felt was a bit missplaces. gudrun said it wouldn't been possible otherwise but in my oppinion it's about sticking to the theme not the Australian mass culture.

Nevertheless, the food was extremely delicious, very good portions and well cooked! Congrats to the chef!
We had Wienerschnitzel with potatos and cranberries.
asparagus with sweetwater fish (carp) and Semmelknödel with Sauerkraut plus Eggenberger Beer from my hometown Graz.


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